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housing requirements & exclusions & nice-to-have


 * Insulation including double-paned windows
 * Within 2 miles of Caltrain
 * < $500000
 * Gas stove
 * Forced-air heating
 * Air-condition option
 * Place for bicycles
 * Patio if condo
 * Cat-accepting
 * One car parking
 * > 880 sq ft
 * Bathtub
 * >= 2 bedrooms
 * Earthquake safe (bolted to foundation, no more than 2 steps)
 * Proximity to light rail or 522 line


 * Big lawn
 * > 5% of total in contracting costs needed


 * Not more than 1 bathroom
 * Gas heating
 * Place for outside compost bin
 * Hardwood floors
 * Built-in dishwasher
 * Large countertops
 * >= 4 cabinets
 * Built after 1970
 * Proximity to Japantown

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