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Re: Why the New iPhone Sucks (fwd)

Thanks.  I stumbled it.

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 17:37:22 -0700 (PDT)
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:38:39 -0500 (CDT)
 > From: "Josh Levy, FreePress.net" <http://www.freepress.net/~info>
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > Subject: Why the New iPhone Sucks
 > FREE PRESS ACTION FUND                                             ACTION ALERT!
 > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 > Dear Noelle,
 > Do you want the new iPhone?
 > If so, you're in for a disappointment.  If not, you should be worried
 > anyway. Here's why:
 > Apple just released the new iPhone with a promise that it will be "the
 > Internet in your pocket." If only.  The iPhone's groundbreaking
 > technology has been hijacked by AT&T.  The telephone giant has struck
 > an exclusive agreement that ties the hands of all iPhone users,
 > restricts their Internet use and prohibits access to any other
 > network.
 > That's why Free Press has launched a new campaign to free the iPhone
 > and other "smart" phones like it from attempts to cripple their best
 > features, block full access to the Internet and stick customers with
 > astronomical bills. Please join us:
 > Free My Phone and Open the Wireless Internet
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=prtECm5VVpKFLd6tkQXKew..
 > FreeMyPhone is fighting for affordable new phones that have full
 > access to the Internet. This is vital because handheld wireless
 > devices are becoming the first point of Internet access for tens of
 > millions of Americans.
 > These "exclusive deals" remind me of the days when AT&T held a
 > monopoly over all phone communications. Consumers could only use one
 > phone, on one network, at rates set by one company. No innovations
 > could take place without AT&T's permission. When federal rules forced
 > AT&T to open its network, an explosion of innovation occurred with new
 > fax machines, Internet modems and answering machines.
 > Today, the FreeMyPhone campaign seeks to open up the wireless market
 > in the same way:
 > Free My Phone: No More Gatekeepers
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=rKGKPd2LV-Z_9QY663ZRVQ..
 > The future of the Internet is wireless and mobile. Eighty-seven
 > percent of Americans have mobile phones. Increasingly, these phones
 > are people's only gateway to the Internet.
 > Yet as more phones become Internet-enabled, more users are tied to
 > carriers that don't actually deliver an open Internet. This is
 > important...
 > *  If you care about universal Internet access and closing the
 > digital divide.
 > *  If you care about Net Neutrality and protecting an open wireless
 > Internet.
 > *  If you care about innovation and fostering new online tools and
 > economic opportunity.
 > *  If you care about competition and offering more affordable
 > choices for everyone.
 > Sign our petition to free your phone and demand the freedom to use new
 > phones on wireless networks that offer true high-speed Internet and
 > real consumer choice.
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=vPkxJQUQz2F8jiLabwP_NA..
 > Thank you,
 > Josh Levy
 > Online Campaign Manager
 > Free Press Action Fund
 > www.freepress.net
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=A39Kk73dbwPMPI5-WVmfwQ..
 > 1. Join us on Facebook, follow FreeMyPhone on Twitter, or tell your
 > friends to support FreeMyPhone. 	Be sure to tweet about FreeMyPhone
 > using the #freemyphone hashtag.
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=ZYVRSE0voPtMoBsBNV3U4g..
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=x6ny5S2HSuq2HAJnEadDMg..
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=8at5QMsa_oiza3WYPvm7uw..
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=93MBjbovcXBgQLXHwDZgIg..
 > 2. Help the Free Press Action Fund continue to fight for wireless
 > freedom. Donate today.
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=k2Yjm_1UJjXQbJBC_bUxlg..
 > You (http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg) are
 > receiving this e-mail as an opt-in subscriber to Free Press'
 > E-activist Network. You can unsubscribe
 > http://free.convio.net/site/CO?i=NvggB_9z8wJarCKjDTeInobHr7ZR5n2W&cid=0
 > or manage your account
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=2FrjnYRafrCCEGdLFiMxqQ..
 > at any time.
 > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 > FREE PRESS ACTION FUND is a national, nonpartisan organization working to 
 > reform
 > the media. Learn more at 
 > http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=y2yObwXr1T0q569kJ1esJQ..
 > Donate at http://free.convio.net/site/R?i=OZF4ml4kAxOeFf4rD00CXQ..

Why do you want this page removed?