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RE: message about your doc appt

 > From: "Robert" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert>
 > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:59:15 -0700
 >  > From: "Noelle)" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/Noelleg>
 >  > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:33:51 -0700
 >  >
 >  > Did you call YOUR doctor?
 > Nyet.

Below is the voicemail I got from my doctor.  It's also attached (in case
you're able to listen to it).


From:	Macrosoft Outlook on behalf of +1614082783000
Sent:	Friday, July 24, 2009 4:42 PM
To:	Robert
Subject:	Voice Mail from +1614082783000 (1 minute and 1 second)
Attachments:	+1614082783000 (1 minute and 1 second) Voice Mail.wma

Voice Mail Preview:
Hi Robert Dr. Roni here they got in yet I am on a people basically 
chilled if you have a mind fast at are the right this in your lumbar spine 
that is.

Smaller disk protrusion at L4 and L5 it's kind of impinging on 
the L5 nerve cruelty and.

That's pretty much it is be main thing that is cell obviously not normal but 
again nothing CDs also so much so my question for you is Medan paying some 
entries and all that how are you doing so please make a follow up next weekend 
I just a minute that blinds walked there's a physically that needs to be done 
this is a Compaq be or whatever okay thank you and have a great big a nothing 
CDs you do have some disclosing site at 410-0500 <tel:4100500>  that's pretty 
much it out there nothing major finding okay thank you bye.

You received a voice mail from +1614082783000
Caller-Id:	+1614082783000	

Attachment: bindvYPBcZkA2.wma
Description: legpain.wma

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