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RE: Join my network on LinkedIn


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Date: 8/10/2009

Subject: RE: Join my network on LinkedIn

We were listening to NoMeansNo last night ('tho my friend didn't like it, so Michael Franti's Spearhead was put on instead).

(I'm married (but I got a vasectomy long ago so we are childfree). My wife's name is Noelle. So, we = Noelle, Noelle's friend, and I.)

Actually, it was Screeching Weasel that was going through my head, but the only CD I have for it is still in its original wrapping and I couldn't bear to break it.

Anyway... So, you became a lawyer? I'm still a programmer. Very little has changed in that regard.

I guess your having a fairly unique name is both a blessing and a curse...

On 08/10/09 6:33 AM, Kristen D wrote:
I just heard the Dead Kennedys for the first time in years on a jukebox the other night.

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