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Re: Fw: RE: party!!!****

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 > From: Bhavani <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>
 > Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:32:07 -0400
 > That?s right. Noelle?s former boss lives near you guys.  In my mind, I
 > thought he lived in Boston.  She did tell me but I forgot.
 > Maybe she can come down here on Tuesday or Wednesday but I will talk to
 > her on Monday.
 > Yes.  The party will be fun.
 > I would like to get the cake.  Maybe Rum cake?
 > Have fun this weekend at Alice?s.  Bring a camera.
 > Later,
 > Chris
 > From: Bhavani [http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl] 
 > Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 10:07 AM
 > To: Chris
 > Subject: Re: party!!!****
 > Phew- you set my brain...mind at rest.
 > Yeah that would be really, really good if you could get Noelle to the
 > airport.  
 > I don't know if Noelle wants to leave during the day on Monday since she
 > is meeting her former boss at the common man for supper here in Windham.
 > She will more than likely be going somewhere on Tuesday and or Wednesday
 > since Mindy will be painting.  I will try and get Mindy supplies monday
 > so perhaps Noelle can take the car Tues....Wed...??
 > I saw the Evite card and that looks good.  I need to get your canopy out
 > -in the shed and make sure it can be aired out.  It should be lots of
 > fun.
 > Perhaps I can make a casserole in the crock??  We will buy beer seltzer
 > soda, maybe pomegranate drinks etc.  let me know what?
 > Love,
 > Me..ums
 > On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:26:02 -0400 "Chris" <http://www.picis.com/~Chris>
 > writes:
 > Hello Madre,
 > I wanted to invite friends only but I added a bunch of emails addresses
 > from last year?s party.  I didn?t remember everyone?s email address so I
 > did add some of your friends by mistake.  I did invite Anne and Artie
 > since they are friends of ours.  I believe that we?ll have 10-15 people. 
 > I wouldn?t worry about it.
 > By the way, what is Dough?s email so I know in the future?
 > That?s cool that you are having painting done early next week.  
 > Hopefully it will be nice weather during the party so there won?t be that
 > many people coming indoors.  You still have that canopy?
 > Amy and I will come early next Sunday morning to help you out.
 > Actually, I?m taking off October 1st and 2nd from work.  So we come up
 > October 1st to help you out. Plus I can bring Noelle to the airport if
 > you want.
 > Is Noelle going into Boston on Monday of next week?  Maybe she can hang
 > out with Amy on Monday?
 > She is busy today.
 > Have faith that everything works for the best.
 > Later,
 > Chris
 > From: Bhavani [http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl] 
 > Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:33 AM
 > To: Chris
 > Subject: party!!!****
 > Chris I am getting concerned about who you invited to the party?___  I
 > received an email from Doug who invited us to a party this weekend since
 > he said we invited him to the one on the 4th!!  I thought you were only
 > inviting your friends.  rut roo.
 > Painting should be done on Tues. & Wed. by my friend Mindy...means I will
 > be moving all the kitchen furniture.  Floor will have to wait until after
 > vous party.  We will call Barry today and ask if he has a diamond saw
 > blade- floor arrived.
 > Let me know since I will need more help than just Sunday morning. This
 > weekend we are going to see Alice and be back Sunday afternoonish...
 > Love,
 > Madre
 > Votre Mere

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