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Re: New comment on ""The debate over higher education [is] an ideological debate over the nature of higher education."" (fwd)

America is a product-consuming nation.

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:45:33 -0800 (PST)
 > UC students as products.
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:00:55 -0800 (PST)
 > From: Cal Alumni Association | UC  <http://www.linkedin.com/~groups-noreply>
 > To: "Noelle, RHIT" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Subject: New comment on ""The debate over higher education [is] an ideological
 >      debate over the nature of higher education.""
 > LinkedIn
 > ------------
 > "It's hard to find anyone who thinks the Master Plan has any chance of being 
 > revived.  Most of the vocal folks don't seem to empathize with students trying 
 > to get an education. Maybe there should be a lifetime tax on anyone with a 
 > certain degree you know.  If you know how to split atoms, your employer pays a 
 > premium to university for as long as you stay employed.  If Cal was an IPO, 
 > there'd be billionaires lining up to tie up the loose strings.  If graduates 
 > were viewed, perhaps, as products, that provided royalties to the school and 
 > the specific educators, we'd produce a system that self regulates.  You could 
 > even set universities up to compete for funds based on the performance of its 
 > graduates.  I wonder if I can get in on the initial offering?"
 > Posted by Robert Mendez
 > Go to complete discussion:
 > http://www.linkedin.com/e/vaq/10077007/70245/8663242/view_disc/
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Why do you want this page removed?