Enjoy your Thanksgiving !!! *I cannot take credit for writng this, but liked it and wanted to share... The Clan or Paw & Maw Robert & Noelle- In the midst of the usual pressures and anxieties of the Thanksgiving holiday it's all too easy to forget that this day is about...giving thanks. Giving thanks, or gratitude, is a core spiritual practice in every religion. Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time completely free of the desire for things (and people) to be different than they are and to appreciate life exactly the way it is. Our society is so focused on change, progress and improvement that we often fail to enjoy "what is." I find that being grateful for "what is" can be very challenging when it conflicts with my ego's notions of "how it should be." Thanksgiving Day is a time to remember the original people of this land who welcomed the first Europeans, fed them and taught them to plant corn. The Native Americans had been practicing rituals of Thanksgiving for thousands of years. They thanked the Creator every day for Life and the gifts of the land. Although they changed the natural landscape with villages, paths and agriculture, Native People also valued it just the way it was and preserved an ecological balance. The European settlers on the other hand began an aggressive process of "improving" the land that has resulted in spoiling and polluting so much of our environment. There's a humbling lesson for us there. It's a lesson about thanks-giving that Native People tried to teach us. Gratitude for life may be much more important than we realize. Our real spiritual growth happens when our ego takes a break from trying so hard to improve everything and everybody. Though we will surely continue to want life to be better than it is, we can take this day to allow gratitude to show us how life is already better than we think it is. Gratitude comes from an ancient root word meaning pleasure. Being grateful for the moment is enjoying each moment. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy your day...consciously and creatively.