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Re: Please show me this property: 80954068

HI Robert & Noelle,
It went into contract yesterday. Because it is a short sale, they are still taking offers. You just have to be the highest offer. It is 24 hour notice to show. If you want to see it tomorrow, I have to know now.
The other one on Cereza is still available but no show before Thursday and they are having an open house on Saturday. It was no show until yesterday and they keep changing it. Now it is Thursday. It is also appt. only and a short sale.
I am out of town on Friday until Monday night. Jane is also out of town but she can write an offer remotely. No problem. I will be unreachable on Sat & Sun.
Thanks, Sandy

Sandy and Jane
Fireside Realty

Sandy Sparkman: 408-398-5545
DRE# 01358679
Jane Larkin Christie: 408-202-3465
Fax: 408-228-6063

--- On Tue, 12/1/09, PropertyMinder <notify@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: PropertyMinder <http://www.propertyminder.co/~notifym>
Subject: Please show me this property: 80954068
To: sandyandjanhttp://profiles.yahoo.com/e
Cc: http://profiles.yahoo.com/janeandsandy
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:34 PM

Your client is interested in seeing property viewed on your ADVISOR website.
Listing: MLS# 80954068
Address: 554 N 7TH ST, where-I-live
Price: $405,000
Status: Pending w/release
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 3
Sq. Ft.: 1380
Lot Size: 871.sf
Click on the link below for details:

Client status: Client since 07/24/2009
Client name: Robert
Client email: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert
Client phones: my-Oakland-voicemail-number
Your client has requested a showing of this property as specified below:

is this still available to see? we are back from vacation Robert & Noelle
Thank you for using PropertyMinder services!
PropertyMinder Inc.

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