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Re: some mail not getting through

I too suspect Netflix.  I still don't get the newsletters I used to
receive on a regular basis (despite specifically asking for them).

Maybe I'll try a different address for the helluvit.

 > From: Kevin Swope <http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert>
 > Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 18:37:47 -0500
 > I tried to take a guess where they are sending mail from and no luck,  
 > There is really no lookup for
 > where somebody sends mail from, only where it should be delivered.
 > So, since this sneakemail address is working, the only possibilities I 
 > can think of are:
 > 1. netflix is not sending mail
 >     1a. netflix is broken
 >     1b. netflix wont send mail to sneakemail (doesn't seem likely)
 > 2. Your isp is eating mail, not based upon its its origination, but 
 > something inside the message.
 > 3. Netflix is getting caught in our spam filters that we just started 
 > using, in which case the mail is bouncing.
 > If that is the case, we're testing a very well known blocklist, and if 
 > they are getting blocked by that, their
 > admins are freaking out right now.
 > If you have another real address someplace maybe change the real and see 
 > if netflix will deliver to that?
 > I'm leaning towards netflix being broken.
 > -ks

Why do you want this page removed?