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Re: Happy 2009 Winter Solstice!

 > From: "Simon D. Levy" <http://www.wlu.edu/~levys>
 > Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:28:47 -0500
 > Robert wrote:
 > > (which is always difficult
 > > for me -- I guess I'm too stand-off-ish).)
 > Well, the lip ring does make for a complicated first impression.  Then 
 > again, it probably serves as a bozo filter.  Looking at your recent 
 > flickr pictures though, you seem to have removed it.

I have.  It was suggested a few years ago (after getting laid off from
Continuum) that I remove it to improve my chances of getting a job (after
being unemployed for over 2 years).  I am the biggest sell-out now.

 > > It's hard.  Noelle and I have talked about staying with boats and trains.
 > I think it was Gov. Schwarzenegger who pointed out that the trains we're 
 > running in this country are no better than they were 100 years ago.

Nevertheless, trains still use less fuel per-capita than either airplanes
or automobiles.

Why do you want this page removed?