Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gee...don't think Robert put the breadroll at the foot of your bed!! I got the book yesterday as well as Birth of a Psychedelic Culture: Conversations about Leary, the Harvard Experiments, Millbrook and the Sixties - Ram Dass, Ralph Metzner, with Gary Bravo. And I understand that Ram Dass could and would have an issue with Lattin's book. In our opinion (D&Me) he paints Ram Dass in a peculiar light. When he mentioned that Ram Dass had a difficult time in forgiving Andy and more.. In my opinion RD didn't flaunt his homosexuality because it wasn't pertinent to the spiritual teachings. I do know that he was ashamed about his bisexuality though when he would mention it in many of his talks that we heard throughout the years. Huston Smith is pretty prominent in "Fierce Grace'. Yes, Don has his own agenda with those he enjoyed to focus on in his book. This will pique many people's interests around the water cooler, vegetarian restaurants and the like. Ram Dass often takes issue with those who are more focused on gossip and psychological matters. He states this plainly with re: to the hospice movement. RD is a true bhakti yogi. And of course I am very biased. Loved seeing Gary's photos. He looks smart--goes together with smart parents. BhavaniMa > he's good > new photos: > > Sunday night I left a breadroll on the table and couldn't find it > the next > morning. I found it at the foot of the bed! > > > > The book should be arriving today Harvard Psychedelic... Ram Dass > said > > that he didn't approve in so many words. I think that he didn't > see eye > > to eye with the author's(Don's) conclusion/deductions...? > > > > he probably is not comfortable about the gay part? > I read a review that said he didn't think Huston Smith was relevant > to the story > and the author had him in there because he admired him. I read > Smith's religion > book for world's great religions class in high school.