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Re: My Musical CDs (fwd)

Sounds like a plan.

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 10:09:34 -0800 (PST)
 > Instead of trying to burn the CD I have I'm ordering one that I asked to
 > be sent directly to your mom(birthday present?). I thought Anne-Marie
 > would like it too.
 > NG
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 08:38:48 -0800
 > From: Betty Roi <http://profiles.yahoo.com/bettyroi>
 > To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
 > Subject: My Musical CDs
 >   Dear Friends,
 > To those of you who bought my cd's "La lumière du son" and "La chanteuse 
 > de Paris", I am forever grateful for your support; and to those who 
 > haven't yet, you can still purchase them by emailing me.
 > I have a favor to ask you: If you have enjoyed the music of either cd or 
 > both,would you be so kind as to email me some words of appreciation. One 
 > thought would be writing about how the music made you feel as you 
 > listened to it.  I am especially interested in your reviews of "La 
 > lumière du son". This would be of tremendous help to me, as I could post 
 > some of your thoughts on my website and for promotional purposes.
 > By the way, I also welcome any ideas you may have for promotion, etc.
 > With Gratitude,
 > Love, Betty

Why do you want this page removed?