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Re: MOUSE (fwd)

It would be most helpful if she could forward the bounced email as an
attachment to you.  Then, I could try to figure out why it bounced.

Re: the mouse.  If it's possible to just get rid of it, do.  I never use
an external mouse with my laptop.  Short of that, you could use a wired
mouse which doesn't require batteries.

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 10:38:41 -0700 (PDT)
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 09:42:27 -0700
 > From: shirley shafer <http://www.gmail.com/~shirleyshafer42>
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > Subject: Re: MOUSE
 > Hi,   The mouse is wireless. I will take another look on the back of
 > it.  Tell Susan and Leta hello for me. Maybe a group of us could get
 > together someday. I hear Tuan is leaving for England this weekend for 6
 > weeks. How fun!  Remember when you sent the pictures from your last day?
 > When I replied, a message of "no-reply 9249148n04 appeared. Just thought
 > this infor. is helpful to you since you were having problems.     See ya, 
 > Shirley
 > On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg> wrote:
 >        On Tue, 4 May 2010, shirley shafer wrote:
 >              Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 19:47:51 -0700
 >              From: shirley shafer <http://www.gmail.com/~shirleyshafer42>
 >              To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 >              Subject: MOUSE
 >              Hi Noelle,
 >              I have an important question. Does my computer
 >              mouse use batteries?
 >              It stopped working so I'm using the touch method,
 >              but I like the mouse. It
 >              is a macrosoft. I dont have the booklet that came
 >              with it. I cant seem to
 > is it an optical or wireless mouse?(the kind that has a light under
 > it, not the roller thing)If so it needs a battery.
 > Robert says you can pop out the back if it is one that needs a
 > battery.
 > My mac mini died when we were moving. R installed another operating
 > system, but I can't see videos on it now. We will have to get a new
 > computer soon.
 >        find a way to open it and dont want to break it.I'm trying
 >        to update my
 >        electronic life. Yesterday, bought a Brother 3 in 1 thing
 >        becase I have an
 >        old Cannon Copier and Brother Fax machine which came from
 >        Joel's office and
 >        an Epson printer plugged in my laptop which I dont like,
 >        it needs ink at
 >        thepesent. I've only printed acouple of things, maybe
 >        because it was packed
 >        in a box for 2-3 years. These things are so frustrating
 >        for me. All I want
 >        is to have one thing plugged into my lap top and get rid
 >        of the 3
 >        machines cluttering my desk. I enjoyed the pitures you
 >        sent, not sure of you
 >        got my response because a message came back stating there
 >        were
 >        difficulties.   Take care, Shirley
 >        Shirley Shafer
 > Susan & leda are coming over Saturday.
 > Gary the cat went to the vet and everyone loved him there, he was very
 > mellow instead of combative.
 > --Noelle

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