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Re: Time for Greener Gathering!

I don't know why these have to be in the middle of the week.
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Countdown to Summer!
Let's Get Together and Toast the Class of '10

The Class of 2010 is in the books and Commencement Day in Olympia was beautiful.

Come gather with other Bay Area alumni to talk about Evergreen and our lives after college.

Date: Wednesday July 14th
Time: 7PM
Location: Tosca Cafe. 242 Columbus Avenue,

Questions: Contact Alumni Association Regional Representative for Northern Ca Richard Dunn.
See you there!

Sponsored by The Evergreen State College Alumni Association

The Evergreen State College - Office of Alumni Relations
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW, Olympia, WA 98505
(360) 867-6551 Fax: (360) 867-6799
http://www.evergreen.edu/~alumni www.evergreen.edu/alumni

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