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Re: Reply from Gail re: short but sweet article

Why would only reconsider your situation at 70 years old?  Is that when
the tipping point comes when you will no longer be able to depend upon
savings and will instead need to cut back your lifestyle?

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 20:44:49 -0700
 > Hi Robert,
 > Thanks for sending this article. I found the #2 item very helpful
 > which I will do through my LinkedIn contacts. I had the list of
 > companies but didn't really take it any further than that.  By and
 > large I already do what the article says regarding diversifying my
 > job search by checking out job websites and newspaper want ads and
 > applying for jobs I like through those sources, but also I attend a
 > lot of networking events and receive job leads through that method as
 > well. I have also been registered since day 1 through every single
 > personnel agency from Goleta down to Westlake Village and check their
 > websites periodically or run into their agents when attend a
 > networking event. Of course when I'm traveling, my job hunting gets
 > interrupted and then I have to start all over as I find the jobs I
 > had applied to prior to a trip I haven't heard any response from in
 > inviting me in for a job interview - I guess due to all the
 > competition I have. However sending me information like this is much
 > more helpful than sending me anything that is negative and
 > discouraging as I am always a very positive person that is very
 > persistent and am not about to give up my goals and ambition (at
 > least until I reach age 70. Then I might reconsider and relook at the
 > situation.)
 > Warmly,
 > Gail

Why do you want this page removed?