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Re: Form submission from: Design a Native Garden Form (fwd)

How's your research project investigating how long you can be unemployed
coming along?

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:42:28 -0700 (PDT)
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
 > From: Middlebrook Gardens <http://www.middlebrook-gardens.com/~info>
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Subject: Re: Form submission from:  Design a Native Garden Form
 > Noelle,
 > Thank you so much for filling out the questionnaire. This is the first step
 > in achieving your ca native garden. I have sent your questionnaire
 > to our design team and either Alrie, Susan or Melanie will be in touch with
 > you to follow up with a free consult. In the mean time, I have sent in the
 > mail to you a CD and drive-by list of gardens we have done recently so you
 > can get an idea of what kind of work we do.
 > Please dont hesitate to call the office any time if you have a question
 > about anything. We are looking forward to working with you.
 > Sarah Bronstein 
 > Middlebrook Gardens
 > 76 Race Street
 > where-I-live 95126
 > Phone: (408) 292-9993
 > Fax: (408) 292-0856
 > http://www.middlebrook-gardens.com
 > http://www.middlebrook-gardens.com/~info

 > Subject: Form submission from: Design a Native Garden Form
 > Submitted on 08/05/2010 - 9:10am
 > Submitted by anonymous user: []
 > Submitted values are:
 > First Name: Noelle
 > Last Name:
 > Address:  
 > City: where-I-live
 > State: CA
 > Zip: 
 > Email: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > Phone: our-San-Jose-phone-number
 > Do you want a garden that requires high, low, or no maintenance?:
 > low
 > Do you like to work in the yard? What tasks do you prefer? What tasks do you
 > dislike?:
 > I don't like doing a lot in the yard, I like vegetable gardening, but not
 > weeding,digging holes,  or trimming.
 > Are there any plants you would particularly like in your garden? Why?:
 > I planted monkey flower, CA poppies & ceanothus--they seem to be doing well,
 > low maintenance. Interested in having more of those, plus manzanita, matilja
 > poppy, sage or whatever will do well in clay soil.
 > What area of your current garden do you like best? What do you like the
 > least?:
 > I like the current trees & bushes, but not the lawn(crab grass). I don't
 > want to waste water to have a green lawn.
 > Do you have a budget for this project? If so, what is it?:
 > 7/31 Mercury News article "Goodbye Lawn" gave me some ideas, maybe between
 > $2000-$5000.
 > If you have no budget, would you spend:
 > Do you have any interest in a water feature such as fountains, water garden,
 > pool, etc.?: No
 > Do you like shady or sunny areas to relax outdoors?: Shady
 > Would you enjoy attracting birds, butterflies, and other wildlife into your
 > garden?: Yes
 > Do you like trees?: Yes
 > What trees do you have?:
 > Japanese Pagoda Tree, Japanese Maple, crape myrtle,yucca, fig
 > Are there any trees that you would like to have?: no
 >   How would you characterize your personal decorating style?:
 > casual/cluttered
 > Do you like to cut flowers or greens to decorate with?: Yes
 > Would you like a vegetable, flower or herb garden?: Yes
 > Would you like to compost?: Yes
 > Do you have children?: No
 > Do you have pets?: Yes
 > Do children (grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.) visit you?: No
 > How many years have you been in your home?: 1
 > How many years do you plan to live in your home?: 15-20
 > Do you know how old your home is?: built 1931
 > How would you characterize your home's style?: Spanish
 > Would you like fruit trees in your yard?: Yes
 > What are your favorite rooms in your home?:
 > living rm, bedroom, kitchen
 > What are your favorite views from your home?:
 > from kitchen sink,living room front window
 > Are you home often?: Yes
 > Where did you grow up?: Santa Barbara
 > What did you like about the vegetation of that area?:
 > drought tolerant, blooming CA poppies & lupines, clarkia, monkey flower,
 > What is your favorite season of the year?: Fall
 > Why?:
 > My husband grew up in New England and we lived there a while--I love fall
 > colors.
 > What are your hobbies?:
 > reading,painting,veg gardening,cycling
 > What else would you like us to know about you and/or your desires for your
 > garden?:
 > We would like to get rid of the front lawn, but keep the trees and bushes.
 > Though, want to keep the strip of lawn by the curb where the new Japanese
 > Pagoda tree is. Would prefer native shrubs and flowers, maybe bunch grasses
 > too. We have avocado,persimmon and cherry trees in the back--eventually will
 > transform that area to raised beds for vegetable garden(there is one bed
 > already).
 > How did you hear about us?:
 > where-I-live Mercury News & driving by(I bought some native plants from you this
 > spring)
 > The results of this submission may be viewed at:
 > http://middlebrook-gardens.com/design-native-garden-form?sid=317

Why do you want this page removed?