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Re: Fw: Barber's Trip to Florida

 > From: http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl
 > Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:27:37 -0400
 > To Family & Friends from Susan & Robert Barber
 >     On 10/1/2010 we left for Westville Fl. In the Panhandle on the Ala.
 > Line the best of both States actually in the Bush Country to visit my
 > sister Beatrice 85 yrs. old who had begun Chemo-Therapy      for cancer
 > of the colon and she was down to 85 lbs. Hospice was already called in to
 > assist her comfort level. They don?t do much on the week-end but we did
 > meet one that Bea favors.
 >    We spent 2 days at each camp-ground as her immediate family of
 > children were there until the 9th. We enjoyed the time as we hadn?t taken
 > a vacation for some years. We enjoyed ourselves as we hit KOA?s some
 > deluxe campsites and activities mostly window shopping and taking walks
 > in wooded surroundings. We both eat out & cooked in our petite Motor-Home
 > which is called  ?The TREC?
 >     Bea?s daughter Jan called on our Cell- phone as we arrive on Sat. the
 > 9th. We found Bea fragile weak  but starting to eat as the Chemo         
 > was not working for her. Jan her daughter and Caleb seemed worn out from
 > all the visitors mostly family coming two by two. Caleb directed us to
 > the ?L? shape driveway after we found our way on the small country roads
 > to their door-step and plugged us in for electric. We visited in the P.M
 > but saw her in the morning when we did our toiletry in her bathroom. We
 > had very good visits with her. Her Garden-Cottage had the best pluming
 > and she welcomed us to make use of it. It saved our 3 tanks from filling
 > up to capacity so we could dump at the first camp-ground when we left.
 >      Caleb was very kind he has taken just about all the visitors some
 > place. He took us to a Flea market & to a ?MOM?S res. for dinner so we
 > could treat him and I shared my big dinner stuffed peppers

Stuffed peppers?  Wow, where did that come from?  I thought "we" didn't
like green peppers.  (I do like 'em, as it turns out.)

 > with Bea when
 > we got home. He told me that was her favorite. It will be like two days
 > dinner for her. Hope she can put on some of the weight she has lost.
 >         As we prepared to leave she told us we would  ? meet again in
 > Heaven?. How could we be anything but happy with that kind of farewell?
 > I think the next visitors will be Dave & Dan. Ellen wad flying down to
 > await her second grandchild expected on our mother?s birthday the 22nd 
 > of Oct.
 >        They are very dry there.  Coming home was much easier
 >  Love,
 > Susan & Robert

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