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Re: yeah

 > From: marnie br <http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie>
 > Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:37:20 -0400
 > did you feel better, less anxiety etc., seeing clearer and less stress; when
 > you got glasses for your astigmatism.

I need a new prescription.  I'll go next year.

 > It is amazing how much better I feel
 > from wearing these glasses, I guess I have had this problem from 10years or
 > so. And you?

Since high school.

 > Anyway, I have to get use to seeing now, oh well, at least I feel better
 > when I can see.. ha ha
 > I loved the picture of you at  Alices, mom has them on her 'facebook'
 > account. you look lovely.
 > Oh have you heard of the raw food guys that have their 10 minute videos on
 > youtube ???


 > nice, they have one of Venis beach I know I don't know how to spell Venis
 > although I 'should'...
 > Anyway, I can take or leave secret santa, in accordance with the general
 > 'family' vote, democratically speaking.

Well, I was allowing people to "opt-in".  I assumed that you weren't
interested, so didn't add you as an option.

Not everyone has RSVP'd to their invite yet, so there's still time if
you're interested.

 > Namaste'
 > ----Marnie
 >                            http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie

Why do you want this page removed?