> From: Richard <http://www.juno.com/~w1few> > Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 06:37:49 -0500 > > Have you looked at Tiger Direct for laptops for price comparisons? I did find http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6734267&CatId=4947 > D This laptop is sorta big (15"). If it were me, I'd like something smaller. There are some listed here: http://www.pricewatch.com/browse/notebooks/netbook Also, Toys R Us sells that Sylvania G Netbook for pretty cheap. (IMHO, you only want small laptops (netbooks) that have Intel Atom in it, which the Sylvania does. You do not want ARM-based machines because that will severely restrict operating system options.) I still feel this is the best deal and would buy it for myself if I didn't already have all the laptops I need. :-)