Looks like there's still life in job seeking support groups...
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- To: http://www.eastpen.org/~ops.coord
- From: "Admin Dept." <http://www.eastbaypen.org/~admin>
- Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 15:00:07 -0800
- Sender: http://www.gmail.com/~mfdeweese
Dear Colleague:
We at East Bay Professional Experience Network (East Bay PEN) (formerly Experience Unlimited and ProSearch before that) want to get back in touch with our members. As you know, we are a group of professionals helping professionals. We have a rich history of empowering each other to find, secure and sustain employment. A great deal of that effectiveness was our diversity of members… members we have lost contact with.
Our upcoming events might provide an excellent opportunity to reconnect with us. This Thursday we will have as guest speaker Eva Konigsberg on the topic of "Tax & The Unemployed". The week after, on the 23rd, we have our year-end Potluck Social that will be all about nibbling and networking. Our meetings are held on the 2nd floor at 1212 Broadway and start at 9:30am. 12th Street BART station is just outside our door (sign in with the Reception Staff as a member of the East Bay PEN).
Are you an Alumnus? It would benefit us greatly if you could tell us 1) your employer, 2) your position and 3) your hire date. Privacy will always be respected and your employer will get a reference link in our “Who’s Hiring Us” area of our website.
Are you still looking for that perfect job? If so, we urge you to reconnect, become an active member, and share your talents with East Bay PEN! We need your talents and we have many effective resources to offer you, including job postings, workshops, peer support and networking opportunities.
Please take a moment to drop us a line. You can reach us by responding to this email, calling the number below or by visiting our Website.
We look forward to hearing back from you.
(510) 768-4497
--- End Message ---
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