Mark, Would you be interested in helping out? --- Forwarded mail from Mary Hopkins <> Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 13:39:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Mary Hopkins <> To: Boston Voice Users <> We need to do some serious organizing, folks. I (MH) am doing too much. It was never my intention to "run" the group; I've wound up accumulating tasks that nobody else seemed able or willing to do, and they're adding up. At this point I'm overwhelmed, which is mostly a function of other things going on in my life. I need to hand off my organizing jobs for BVU. I suggest that we devote next Tuesday's meeting to this subject. I think that people might talk more freely if I were not there, so my preference is to give the paperwork to someone else (VOLUNTEERS??) and make myself scarce. This would have the added advantage of not letting me volunteer to do things after all! In the past when we've had organizing meetings, we've had very few people attend. Basically if nobody shows up to organize, then the group won't go. If it matters to you, show up and do your bit. Carolyn has let me know that she's going to be trying to recruit people at tonight's RSI Action drop-in, and that some of those people may not be able to be at Tuesday's meeting. I very much hope that she'll be able to attend and report on who's agreed to do what. Here's my job description. My preference is to hand off all of it to other people. * Keep program schedules and contact speakers. This is the thing that I've been doing worst, recently, and that I most urgently want to stop doing. Peter Fleming has mentioned helping, and I'm sure there's room for others as well. *Post meeting notices. I've been posting to this list and cross-posting to Carolyn used to do a number of other cross-posts, and the group benefited a lot by them. Perhaps she could inform people of what they were, pending her being able to get back on-line. *Phone notifications. Call about 10-15 people who can't use email, let them know about the meetings. Keep a current & legible list, be able to hand this along if you have to be away. *Do liaison w/ MIT (ATIC lab and events scheduling), keep track of room reservations, any borrowed equipment, etc. NOTE: July-Sept meetings are scheduled for 2-143, nearby & same equipment. *CNOT liaison. Take calls from people referred to the group by CNOT. *We used to have a local phone list of people willing to offer help to others. I recently posted a request for updates and got no responses at all, so my inclination is to drop this. Some of the numbers on it are from people we haven't seen for quite some time. I'll undertake to have the paperwork organized and ready to hand off by Tuesday. I can put phone list etc. on a floppy, WP and ascii versions, and have this with the paperwork. I'll also undertake to notify MIT and CNOT of who new liaison people are, when we know who those are. Directions to room: Go in the main door of MIT, at 77 Mass Ave. Go straight down the Infinite Corridor for as long as you can. When forced to turn, go right. You'll pass an intersection decorated with murals of jungle animals. There'll be a hallway to the library on your left, stairs on your right. Keep going straight, 2-135 is a couple of doors further along on your left. For wheelchair access: use the door at 33 Mass Ave, toward the River from the main door. There's a lift there. Please feel free to cross-post this message. --- End of forwarded message from Mary Hopkins <>