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Re: [Corpora-List] free language models?

 > From: "Samuel L. Bayer" <http://www.mitre.org/~sam>
 > Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:18:10 -0500 (EST)
 > Hi -
 > One of my colleagues subscribes to the corpora list and forwarded me
 > your request for Sphinx-II language models. I'm sure you'll be
 > inundated with replies, but CMU does provide a large Hub-4 language
 > model for both Sphinx2 and Sphinx3, available off their home page at
 > http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/sphinx/index.html.

Yes, but we wanted to try a different one.  We have tried HUB-4 and also
the LM that comes with communicator.  We wanted to see if we could change
(and ultimately improve) recognition via another LM.


 > Cheers,
 > Sam Bayer
 > The MITRE Corporation

Why do you want this page removed?