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Re: Urgent: Call the Senate, Fix the Radio (fwd)

I guarantee you that this won't get passed during the lame duck...

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 10:57:43 -0800 (PST)
 > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 > Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 14:54:11 +0000
 > From: "Candace Clement, FreePress.net" <http://www.freepress.net/~info>
 > To: Mrs. Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Subject: Urgent: Call the Senate, Fix the Radio
 > Free Press Action Fund: Action Alert
 > [localradio.jpg]
 > Tell Congress: Pass the Local Community Radio Act
 > Dear Noelle,
 > In these times of extreme partisanship, thereâ??s at least one thing Congress
 > can agree on: We need more local voices on the public airwaves.
 > A bill that could create thousands of local radio stations has united
 > political foes like Barack Obama, John McCain, Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders.
 > But despite this bipartisan support, the Local Community Radio Act has been
 > stopped in its tracks by a secret hold in the Senate.
 > And now time is running out, which is why we urgently need your help to get
 > the Senate to pass this important bill: 
 > Call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer now and urge them to ensure Congress passes
 > the Local Community Radio Act â?? before the clock runs out on the 111th
 > Congress.
 > Imagine what we could do with all of the local radio stations this bill
 > would help create:
 >   *  Communities could air shows about the issues that matter to them,
 >      instead of being subjected to channel after channel of shock jocks and
 >      predetermined playlists.
 >   *  Local music could replace the endless cycle of corporate record labels
 >      pushing the same songs day after day.
 >   *  We could flip the dial to finally hear our own neighbors talking to each
 >      other about the things that affect our lives.
 > This is what local radio could sound like, but only if this bill passes.
 > Otherwise, radio will be exactly the same â?? bland, monotonous and
 > disconnected from our communities.
 > Congress needs to know that we want better radio in our communities. Please
 > call Sens. Feinstein and Boxer immediately and tell them to vote for local
 > radio before the clock runs out on this Congress.
 > This week could be our best chance to win the fight for local radio. Please
 > call your senator today.
 > Onward,
 > Candace Clement
 > Outreach Manager
 > Free Press Action Fund 
 > P.S. Spread the word! Tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter to dial
 > Congress for community radio today.
 > P.P.S. Our hardworking allies at the Prometheus Radio Project have been
 > fighting this battle for nearly a decade. Support their work by checking out
 > www.prometheusradio.org.
 > [o.gif?akid=2054.9361364.IMtKPO]
 > Free Press Action Fund is a national, nonpartisan organization working to
 > reform the media. Learn more at www.freepress.net
 > --
 > You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.

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