This confirms that we received your request to reset your password. Your new temporary password is: You'll be asked to change it when you sign on. If you have questions, call us at 1-877-7HR-WORK (1-877-747-9675) between 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Eastern time Monday to Friday. To email us, access the site and send us a question from Contact Us. We?re unable to respond to questions sent as a reply to this message. These are the terms of service for using the site: This Web site verifies your identity through your use of your employee ID, Social Security Number (SSN), password, personal identification number (PIN), and/or other identifier. I understand and agree that when I select Sign On and enter my employee ID, SSN, password, PIN, and/or other identifier on this Web site, I am agreeing that: -- Any instructions, consents, or requests that I make or provide on this Web site will be deemed to be my written authorization to So_ny and its HR Service Center to provide information or conduct transactions on my behalf, in accordance with So_ny's employment policies, programs, practices, or employee benefit plans.