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Thank You from Starting Point

Re:  http://www.dummy.us.eu.org

Dear Robert,

Thank you for submitting to Starting Point(TM).  Your site will be featured
under "Starting Point New" within the topic category you selected.
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Our users will vote from the New section to determine which quality sites will
in turn become Starting Point Hot Sites.  We will contact you to let you
know if and when your site will be featured.

Please add a link to Starting Point(TM) in your pages as appropriate (see below).

Again, thank you for your submission.

Frank Addante
Webmaster - Starting Point, L.L.C.
Everything You Need To Work The Web. Everyday.


Here's How to Add a Link to Starting Point(TM)
You can choose any one of these three selections of HTML code:

    1) HTML code for a text link: 

        <!-- begin text link -->
        <a href="http://www.stpt.com/";>Starting Point</A>
        <!-- end text link -->

    2) HTML code for a graphical link: 

        <!-- begin graphical link -->
        <a href="http://www.stpt.com/";>
        <img src="http://www.stpt.com/stpthalf.gif";
        border=0 width=139 height=43 alt="Starting Point"></a>
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    3) HTML code for a MetaSearch form: 

        <!-- begin MetaSearch form interface -->
        <FORM ACTION="http://www.stpt.com/cgi-bin/pwrsrch/ms1a.cgi"; METHOD="POST">
        <FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR="#FF0000"><b>PowerSearch the Web:</FONT><BR>
        <A HREF="http://www.stpt.com/";>
        <IMG SRC="http://www.stpt.com/stpthalf.gif";
        border=0 width=139 height=43 align=top alt="Starting Point(TM)"></a>
        <input type="text" name="searchfor" value="" size=18>
        <input type="submit" name="S" value="Find"><br>
        <!-- end MetaSearch form interface -->


To further publicize your Web Site, we recommend the 
following web marketing resources:

	RedHead Corporation 			http://www.redhead.com
	Submit-It				http://www.submit-it.com
	WebPromote				http://www.webpromote.com/stpe.shtml
	Website Promoter's Resource Center	http://www.wprc.com
	WebWatchdog				http://www.webwatchdog.com

Why do you want this page removed?