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FW: signup kit for STN International?

CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) operates STN International, a network of
scientific and technical databases, in association with FIZ Karlsruhe in
Germany and the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology.  STN is
an online system that provides direct access to some of the world's best
scientific and technical databases.  STN offers information in a variety of
areas of interest, including computer science & computer technology.  The
data from the ACM Guide can be found in a database called COMPUSCIENCE which
is available on STN and STN Easy.  An STN account must be established in
order to search the databases on STN.

General information, including the price list and the STN Agreement & Order
form needed to open an STN account, can be found and downloaded at the
following web address: http://www.cas.org/stn.html.  You may also want to
look at the database summary sheet for the COMPUSCIENCE database.  The
summary sheet will give you information on the database content, as well as
the search and display fields, and a sample record from the database.  You
can find the summary sheets at the following web page:

If you prefer, you may request a packet of materials to be sent to you by
mail.  You will receive the STN Agreement & Order form necessary to open an
STN account, as well as a catalog listing all the databases a available on
STN and their content, a price list, and other informational materials.

Another option for finding information is STN Easy, a web-based service from
CAS which provides access to data and references from over 50 highly
respected scientific & technical databases, including COMPUSCIENCE.  There
is general information, including pricing and a free demo at the following
World Wide Web address: http://stneasy.cas.org

Thank you again for your interest in online searching on STN.  If you have
any questions, you may contact CAS Customer Service by phone: 800-753-4227,
fax: 614-447-3751, or email: http://www.cas.org/~help.

> ----------
> From: 	http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert[SMTP:http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert]
> Sent: 	Thursday, April 01, 1999 12:36 PM
> To: 	help
> Subject: 	signup kit for STN International?
> What is the cost of signing up as an individual for the electronic version
> of ACM's Guide?
> Thanks.
> ---
> Robert

Why do you want this page removed?