--- Forwarded mail from Jim Walsh <http://www.nii.net/~leadinspection> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 13:48:14 -0400 To: http://www.bc.edu/~torbert, http://www.aol.com/~ciacono761, http://www.earthlink.com/~cliffgansara, http://www.aol.com/~Coco30, http://www.webtv.net/~daveslade, http://www.interloc.com/~elliotsb, http://www.niton.com/~ethel, http://www.aol.com/~hellofaith, http://www.aol.com/~geonlily, http://www.Tierney98.org/~harry, http://www.aol.com/~sssopko, http://www.neu.edu/~lobster, http://www.bu.edu/~jdonovan, http://www.banet.net/~jpeterson, http://www.aol.com/~goldilaax, http://www.erols.com/~jantzenmichaels, http://www.ita.doc.gov/~linda_andros, http://www.azstarnet.com/~jaffe, Margaret <http://www.juno.com/~margaretch>, http://www.compuserve.com/~mbkaplan, http://www.aol.com/~morrisonhi, http://www.ici.net/~leadsafe, "Patricia M. Maddern" <http://www.GWPO.YNHH.COM/~maddern>, http://www.rnoc.fks.ryukoku.ac.jp/~jaffe, http://www.sprynet.com/~rdeftef, Robert <http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert>, http://www.juno.com/~mcphcfvp, steve campbell <http://www.aol.com/~scamp5160>, http://www.uncwil.edu/~schmidt, http://www.post.harvard.edu/~willow_crystal From: Jim Walsh <http://www.nii.net/~leadinspection> Subject: Review Article <bold><italic><fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>The Harbor Review</fontfamily></italic><fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>, October 1998 THE VOTER AND THE INQUISITION</fontfamily></bold><fontfamily><param>Geneva</param> There should be a number of issues surrounding the election on November 3rd--social security, education, economic uncertainty, dangers abroad- but in reality there is only one: Kenneth Starr and the New American Inquisition. To be a Grand Inquisitor one must have two qualities; a certain kind of deeply religious nature and access to unfettered political power. The Grand Inquisitor knows what is Right and True and he demands unswerving purity in all realms, public and private. Everyone is, should be, or will be answerable to him. The Truth cannot be constrained. Heresy must be punished. If a young woman hesitates to fully and completely confess to every single intimate detail of a consensual liaison, bring in her mother, in handcuffs if necessary. Let's see if the sight of a weeping and distraught mother will help persuade a recalcitrant and uncooperative daughter. The search for Truth is a hard search. If the late Vince Foster's lawyer refuses to divulge to the Grand Inquisitor the content of conversations with his client, let the Constitution and lawyer/client privilege be damned. The Inquisitor's demands will not be stayed. Only the Inquisition has the right to decide what information is known. An inconvenient law says the Grand Inquisitor should not reveal Grand Jury proceedings to the press. Well, clearly the law must not have adequately anticipated the need to publicly defend the Inquisition against unfair criticism. Just when you thought that you could safely assume that Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism was the very definition of "the lowest" in American political behavior, along comes Ken Starr and the Inquisition. He has achieved, if not "the impossible", then, at least, "the unlikely". Joe McCarthy saw a communist under every bed. Ken Starr is sure there is something going on <underline>in</underline> that bed and that's what turns him on. If it takes 40 million dollars, four years and the creation of a New American Inquisition to root it out, that's fine with him. He has a job to do. We can all agree that it is impossible to actually make Joe McCarthy look good, but Kenneth Starr almost succeeds. Why? Because at least most of Joe McCarthy's issues were political issues, not bedroom issues. In his drunken, obvious way--and followed by a pack of reporters--McCarthy roamed the political landscape by lobbing accusations of disloyalty, seeking power. He may have wrapped himself in the flag and thumped the Bible for manipulative effect, but beneath it all he was simply a good-old boy charlatan who--aided and abetted by the press--snookered the public, wrecked families and careers, caused suicides, and was finally brought up short. Kenneth Starr, son of a preacher in a fundamentalist church, doesn't drink but he has gone a step beyond McCarthy. In his mind, there is nothing and no one who should be beyond his power. True Faith and political power, united for justice. That is his point of view. Here is my point of view. The American electorate is beyond his power. Starr and his allies on cable TV and in the press have done everything they could to overturn the last two elections but every poll says they have failed. Why, then, is this such a dangerous moment? Because there is a difference between the "electorate" and the "voters". Polls are passive. All one has to do is answer the phone and one's opinion is recorded. At that point, one is part of the "electorate" but not a "voter". It requires some energy to get out and vote. The admitted Adulterer Henry Hyde and the convicted Perjurer Newt Gingrich know that the highly motivated radical right will surely come out to VOTE and they assume that those who are simply disgusted and turned off will stay home. It's a cynical calculation but Joe McCarthy had a long ride based on that same kind of thinking. I think we will long look back at this election as marking a triumph or a disaster for the American electorate. Jim Walsh</fontfamily> --- End of forwarded message from Jim Walsh <http://www.nii.net/~leadinspection>