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Jeeezz not another one of those impersonal 'solstice' thangs

--- Forwarded mail from http://www.super.tacheles.de/~will

From: http://www.super.tacheles.de/~will
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:19 +0000

I know you bigshots with busy scheduals can hardly take time to respond to 
nonimportant email but -just a sugestion- try a database form,
you know, like publishers clearing house.(HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) 
Kathryn?? of korse I see her, how can you miss that??8?>
I was watching the christion broadcast network (comes on after startrek)
the other night and pat and company were gloating that with a repub
controled pres/house/senate that they could pass/recinde any law
or bill that the C-right wanted, no matter what anybody else wanted 
and you know, THERE RIGHT... people will hate nader and the greens for all 
times if this comes to pass (or until they outlaw noncomputerised history 
and X them out of the database HAHAHAHA) did you go to philly???
ready for riot??
(oh, just joking about the solstice thing. subscribe me!!!)

--- End of forwarded message from http://www.super.tacheles.de/~will

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