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e-mail address (new)

--- Forwarded mail from marnie <http://www.netscape.net/~369marnie>

Date: 15 Jan 00 11:07:34 PST
From: marnie <http://www.netscape.net/~369marnie>
To: http://www.juno.com/~margaretch
CC: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert

Content-type: multipart/related ; boundary = "----NetAddressPart-02--=_oTHI2144S0k4646a699"

here is my new account information
since I have tried and tried to get updated in my juno account with no 
luck so
I am coming to netscape web mail

Here it is:


finally I will be able to communicate to the outside world
via computer phone lines

Robert:  Thank you for the x-mas gift

Chris:  See you Mon.

Mom:  Thank you for everything and I'll be writing more once I set up my
address book and such.

sincere love and peace.


--- End of forwarded message from marnie <http://www.netscape.net/~369marnie>

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