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Re: [SouthBayVeggies] How to thrive on a plant based diet...

Hi Robert,

I have Dr. Klaper's "Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple" 1987 and found no mention of protein combining. On pg. 28 he says, "Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to combine proteins at each meal. The protein from the whole grain toast enjoyed at breakfast as well as the tofu in the dinner casserole, are 'complete' in their own right, and will each find their way to your liver and other tissues and be well utilized. However, the more variety in protein sources, the better." Perhaps you have an earlier edition of his book.

The whole idea of protein combining was popularized by Frances Moore Lappe  in her "Diet for a Small Planet" when it was published in the 70s.  For some reason that idea really got around, and people became unduly worried about needing to eat certain foods with certain other foods. Unfortunately, the idea stuck, and even today that subject often comes up. Of course, nutritional research disproved protein combining, and we now know that by eating a wide variety of protein sources throughout the day our body picks up from our foods the amino acids (protein) that it needs - no need to combine. Frances Moore Lappe herself has since corrected the faulty information she published about protein combining. (But it seems that correction didn't spread as far and wide as her first statement on the subject.)

Dr Klaper has been a leader in vegetarian nutrition over the years.  I always enjoy reading his books.

Be well, Robert,


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