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just passin' this along that Anne Marie wrote

On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Anne Marie Lavigne wrote:

Good morning, our families -

I'm feeling so sad.  On Friday Artie and I went to a wake and funeral for
our friend Bhavani's (aka Margaret's) cousin Ted who died last
week.  He was in his late 80's and died of natural causes.  Long story
but Bhavani didn't know Ted until around 10 yrs ago, or so (she had been
adopted as a baby and  met him only later in life)... yet she was the one
who cared for him with great devotion until his recent time of death. 
His burial service on Friday was truly loving, and Artie and I were
blessed to have been present.

Ted was Bhavani's birthmother, Bea's, first cousin too... and now
yesterday  Bhavani learned that her birthmother (Bea) also died, as you
can tell from the email below.  In any case I'm asking that you please
pray for Bhavani's well-being, and for the families of her birthmother
and dear cousin.  Jan, you'll note her name at the end of what Bhavani
sent below, is her stepsister... and Jan cared for her/their mom, Bea,
until her death.  I realize this may sound quite  complicated, but it's
the best that I can do.

Bhavani isn't one to wear her heart on her sleeve, but I know my friend
well, and let it suffice to say that I know this is a difficult time for
her and her family, and so we sincerely ask each of you for your very
caring love and prayers.

Thank you so much.  Below is Bhavani's email, and she's okay with my
forwarding it.

Our love and sorrow -  
Anne Marie and Artie

PS  I find myself reminiscing too as to how much ma and my mother-in-law
each  loved and appreciated Bhavani/Margaret so dearly.  Margaret loved
ma and Artie's mother a great deal, and she went out of her way to
express it. We could never ever forget that.

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