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Fw: [veganity] New Meetup: Seabright/Castle Beach party pot luck in Santa Cruz

Could be fun, but we should definitely not stay too long.
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Announcing a new Meetup for HumVeganity!

What: Seabright/Castle Beach party pot luck in Santa Cruz
When: Saturday, August 6, 2011 2:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

This is a joint effort with the Friendly Vegan Meetup group in Santa Cruz. Join us for a fun filled day at Seabright/Castle beach in Santa Cruz complete with vegan potluck and nighttime bonfire! I will arrive early in the AM in order to score a fire pit (they're limited). You can arrive anytime thereafter, but I'd say the main party will run from 2ish to 10:00pm. Look for a 10x10 shade structure with a Vegan Meetup sign on it. For those who may wonder what exactly to bring to a vegan potluck I'd say it's wide open with the following exceptions :-) Please nothing with animal derived products including eggs, dairy, honey, cheese, and if you're unsure you can ask me and/or read labels because they even sneak dairy into things like some dark chocolates :-( Bring a cooler if you think what you are bringing needs refrigeration to stay good. If you can RSVP with an idea of what you're bringing that will let others know what is already being brought and then they might choose something else to bring so we don't double up. Bring whatever you'd like to drink. I'll bring some plates and silverware but if you can bring your own cup that will save a tree. For that matter if you can bring your own reusable plate and silverware you'll save even more resources. We'll be at Seabright/Castle beach, across the street from the museum of natural history and just west of Seabright St. We'll pick a spot not too far from the bathrooms. See a map at http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=&geocode=&q=santa+cruz+museum+of+natural+history&sll=36.964449,-122.007616&sspn=0.006498,0.01929&ie=UTF8&cd=1&hq=santa+cruz+museum+of+natural+history&hnear=&ll=36.966661,-122.007616&spn=0.006498,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A Alcohol is prohibited so if you want to partake you need to bring cups or keep it incognito somehow. I'll have a shade structure and a small table but someone may want to bring another one. Also bring a Frisbee, kites, guitars or any other beach activities you enjoy. Bring whatever you need for your own comfort, chairs, towels, sunscreen, and warm jackets because it can get cold at night. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions!

Check it out!

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list (http://www.meetup.com/~veganity-list)
This message was sent by Jennifer (http://www.gmail.com/~reachjennifer) from HumVeganity.
To learn more about Jennifer, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 | support@xxxxxxxxxx

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