they don't like the debt ceiling deal either ----- Forwarded Message ----- >From: "Brian Sonenstein," <> >To: Noelle <> >Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 10:58 AM >Subject: Catfood Commission on steroids > >URGENT: Call your member of Congress to oppose the Super Congress! >Click here for phone numbers and a script. >Hi Noelle, >Congress will vote on the debt limit deal tonight that includes the Super >Congress -- a Catfood Commission on steroids -- tasked specifically with >cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits over the next few years. >You and 50,000 other activists have pledged not to vote for anyone who votes >for benefit cuts - and voting to create a Super Congress is a de facto benefit >cut. It's time to make that pledge heard once again. >Can you call your member of Congress IMMEDIATELY to oppose the Super Congress? >Click here to find your Rep.'s phone number and a sample script. >The Super Congress will make it easier to fast-track wildly unpopular benefit >cuts into law while shielding those who vote for cuts from accountability. If >we don't act now, this 12-member panel will negotiate cuts behind closed doors >that will spell disaster for the social safety net. >Thank you in advance for your help. I can't promise we'll be able to stop the >Super Congress, but we can at least let our elected officials know where we >stand and how we'll vote in 2012. >Deepest thanks, >Brian Sonenstein >Digital Strategy Director >