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FW: VYCC Fall Crew

Hi All,

As mentioned earlier, Nick has been accepted for another position with the VYCC.

Talk to everyone soon,


From: Eliza Kenigsberg [http://www.vycc.org/~eliza.kenigsberg]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Flora ; 'http://www.gmail.com/~NLamson11'
Subject: FW: VYCC Fall Crew


Please refer to these attachments instead of the first set I sent – there was a mistake that I corrected.



From: Eliza Kenigsberg
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:51 PM
To: 'http://www.dps.state.vt.us/~f'; 'http://www.gmail.com/~NLamson11'
Subject: VYCC Fall Crew

Hello s,

We’re excited to have Nick on our fall crew! I’ve attached information to this email with details about the session—the only piece that is different from our summer mailing is the welcome letter and worksite agreement form. I’ll send a hard copy with a stamped return envelope for you to mail back before Start Up on Saturday, August 27th.

Give me a call at 802-881-5015 if you have any questions.


Eliza Kenigsberg


Eliza S. Kenigsberg

Conservation Program Coordinator

Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

The West Monitor Barn

1949 East Main St. Richmond, VT 05477

Phone: (802) 434.3969 x130

Fax: (802) 434.3985

25 Years - Today's Youth - Tomorrow's Leaders


VYCC on Facebook

Currently developing the Best Projects and

Hiring Exceptional Leaders for the 2011 Field Season.

Attachment: 1_Welcome Letter - Fall.docx
Description: 1_Welcome Letter - Fall.docx

Attachment: 3_Residential Crews_CM Guide.pdf
Description: 3_Residential Crews_CM Guide.pdf

Attachment: 5_Identification Reminder.doc
Description: 5_Identification Reminder.doc

Attachment: 7_Boot Alert.doc
Description: 7_Boot Alert.doc

Attachment: 2_CM Agreement, Fall Residential Conservation Crew.docx
Description: 2_CM Agreement, Fall Residential Conservation Crew.docx

Attachment: 4_Form, CM Medical Information.docx
Description: 4_Form, CM Medical Information.docx

Attachment: 6_Gear List_Res_Conservation Crews.doc
Description: 6_Gear List_Res_Conservation Crews.doc

Attachment: 8_Pro Deal Memo_Corps Members.docx
Description: 8_Pro Deal Memo_Corps Members.docx

Why do you want this page removed?