---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 17:04:05 -0700 From: Fabrice Nye <http://www.drnye.net/~fabrice> To: Fabrice Nye <http://www.drnye.net/~fabrice> Subject: Domain STRESS-STUDY.COM Is Gone and Opportunity for a Class on Relationships Dear participant in the ITP stress study, I was going to write to you for the last time from http://www.stress-study.com/~info, but the domain name expired before I had a chance to do so. The study ended successfully, and the domain is no longer in use. So if you would like to keep in touch and be apprised of upcoming events, please write to me in the future at this address: http://www.drnye.net/~fabrice. Let me know if youâ??d like me to keep you on my mailing list. This Fall I am bringing you a brand new, totally revamped class that is taking advantage of the lessons learned during the year-long stress study of the Inquiry process. This class will be based on Byron Katieâ??s book I Need Your Loveâ??Is That True? and will focus on relationships (couples are welcome). I am giving this 8-week seminar as part of the group offerings of the Community Center for Health and Wellness (CCHW) in Palo Alto. The meeting space can only accommodate a small number of people, so enrollment is limited. The class dates are: Wednesdays, September 28 through November 16, 2011 6:30 â?? 8:30 pm Saturday, November 5, 2011 9:30 am â?? 4:30 pm (see flyer at http://life.net/inylitt.pdf for details) This class may be for you if: * You canâ??t seem to establish long-lasting, fulfilling relationships * You can track your main source of stress to specific people in your life * You constantly check your behavior in order to avoid rejection, conflict, or being alone * You tend to yield to pressure from significant others, family members, or friends You will learn: * How to reclaim your power from other people and be fully responsible for yourself * How to honor your own wants while respecting others * How to heal damaged relationships * How to live more fully in the Now Please pass this message and the attached flyer on to anyone you think might be interested. Contact me directly for registration at (650) 493-5006 x7161 or http://www.drnye.net/~fabrice. There is only a limited number of places available, so do not delay! Blessings, -- Fabrice Nye, Ph.D. Phone: (650) FABRICE Skype: fabrice_nye http://www.facebook.com/fabrice.nye