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SFBay ACM Reminder: This Saturday, October 15 - ACM Data Mining Camp!

SFBay ACM Data Mining Camp reminder

When: Saturday, October 15, 2011
2161 North 1st Street 
where-I-live 95131
Directions: Google Map

Website: Event Page <http://www.sfbayacm.org/event/data-mining-camp-october-2011>

**Schedule for Saturday, October 15th, 2011**

**Please note FREE CAMP starts at 11:15am!**

WIFI is available for your electronics.

Join our forum <http://www.sfbayacm.org/bootcamp/forums/>
 to discuss session suggestions!

Complete Schedule Details: 

8:30 Pick up name tags, coffee, network
9:15 - 11:30 Training Class - Mike Bowles, Ph.D. and Tricia Hoffman,
Ph.D.; Introduction to Mining Big Data with Map Reduce (the cost of
the training class is $35)
11:15 - 7:30 FREE Data Mining Camp
12:50 Keynote: Machine Learning on Big Data for Personalized Internet
Advertising: Michael Recce, VP Modeling and Optimization at Quantcast

2:30 Session 1: Software as a Platform

3:30 Session 2: Bayesian Techniques
4:30 Session3: Mobile Analytics
5:30 Session 4: Context is Everything
6:30 Share summary of sessions over pizza and salad (Thank you
7:30 Thank you and wrap up


We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
ACM Data Mining Camp Organizers

**About Us**

You are receiving this e-mail because you are either a member of the
ACM in the Bay Area, a member of the ACM SF Bay Chapter, or have added
yourself to our mailing list
. ACM is the Association for Computing Machinery, the principal
education, scientific, and technical society for professionals in the
field of computing, and active world-wide. The San Francisco Bay Area
Professional Chapter is launching its 52nd year of continuous
operation, representing computing in the Bay by presenting networking
and technical events of interest to a wide range of researchers,
educators, designers, software and hardware experts, and other
professionals working in the field. You can write us
with ideas or suggestions, volunteer to participate, or just speak
with us at any of our meetings. Please let us know about events going
on in the Bay region so we can keep our membership informed

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