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Black Dating

Hi Robert,

I run a website specifically for African Americans to use for online 
dating called  http://www.bestblackdatingsites.org. It has become a passion 
project of mine within the black community and I'd like to submit my website 
for inclusion in the resource section of your site:

I created http://www.bestblackdatingsites.org as a fun way for 
African American singles to explore the online dating scene and have fun 
while doing it. Please take a look at the page and help me spread the word 
about my site by posting a link. I am  hoping that after you take a look, 
you'll think its a valuable help more African Americans enjoy the fun of 
online dating.

I'd appreciate the opportunity to answer any questions, or take any 
other steps in order to get my site's link listed.

Thank you for taking a look!

Gina Coles

Why do you want this page removed?