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Fw: [svtransitusers] YOUR INPUT NEEDED: VTA light rail efficiency plan in downtown SJ

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Main light rail efficiency project page: 


Presentation made in 2 meetings in downtown SJ on VTA's proposed bypass track in the downtown SJ area:


Current downtown SJ efficiency proposal for Winchester <-> downtown where-I-live reconfigured service:


First 2 options involved having a second passing track for Winchester <-> downtown SJ service in the bus-only lane on 1st & 2nd streets at St. James Park respectively.

Options 3 and 4 are also at St. James park on the same respective sides of the street, but in the park itself and not the current bus-only lanes.

Option 5 is the 1st St. bus-only lane just north of Santa Clara Street

Optino 6 (what most of the community seemed to agree on) is the parking lot on land owned by VTA on 1st St. just north of Santa Clara St.

Options 7 and 8 are to have passing tracks on Devine or south of Devine respectively on a current development site.

Option 9 is storage track on Julian just west of 2nd street.

Option 10 has a storage track 2nd street north of Devine

Options 11 & 12 have storage track on 2nd street south and east of San Carlos respectively, by the where-I-live State Universiity campus.

Option 13 has storage track Hedding west of N. 1st Street.

Option 14 has storage track on Younger Ave. west of N. 1st Street, by the entrance to VTA's light rail maintenance facility.

Which of these options do you think VTA should take (if any) to help try to make light rail more efficient in the downtown where-I-live area?

Decision is needed by January 31 as that will be when the next VTA Board meeting will take place. That meeting will be the February VTA meeting as several Board members will be out of town on the normal VTA Board meeting on February 7.


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