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Scheduled site maintenance window

Hello folks,

Geeknet Network Operations will be performing routine maintenance on the
network infrastructure that powers Thinkgeek, SourceForge.net, Slashdot,
Geeknet, Freshmeat and Ohloh; as well as Geeknet corporate servers.

Outages during the scheduled maintenance windows may be sporadic. We don't
anticipate that all sites will be down for the entire window. There will be
some amount of down time for these sites.

Our scheduled maintenance windows are:
 * 2010-04-17 05:00 - 13:00 UTC Primary Downtime Window
 * 2010-04-18 05:00 - 13:00 UTC Optional Backup Downtime Window

Our web services shall display a downtime notice during any outages.  As is
always our goal, downtime will be minimized.  Our current expectation is
four hours of total downtime within the maintenance windows.

Questions or concerns regarding this maintenance window may be directed to
our Support team as per http://sourceforge.net/support


Uriah Welcome, Sr. Director of Network Operations, Geeknet
Jacob Moorman, Sr. Director of Site Operations, Geeknet
Jay Seirmarco, CTO, Geeknet

SourceForge.net has made this mailing to you as a registered user of
the SourceForge.net site to convey important information regarding
your SourceForge.net account or your use of SourceForge.net services.

We make a small number of directed mailings to registered users each
year regarding their account or data, to help preserve the security of
their account or prevent loss of data or service access.

If you have concerns about this mailing please contact our Support
team per: http://sourceforge.net/support

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