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SourceForge.net Service Operations bulletin 2008-07-15


This message is being sent by SourceForge.net to all administrators of
SourceForge.net-hosted projects.  Questions or concerns regarding the
contents of this mailing or this mailing may be directed to
SourceForge.net staff at:

Table of contents:
1. Hiring
2. Project web upgrade (requires your action)
3. New Site Status page (and other upgrades)
4. Conclusion

Section 1. HIRING

My name is Jacob Moorman; I am the Director of Operations for
SourceForge.net and I manage the Service Operations team.  I currently
have two open positions on my team for Systems Programmer/Analyst II's.
These positions are open to candidates located in the United States, and
the salary range for this position starts at $65K plus benefits.

What does a Systems Programmer/Analyst II do?

The Service Operations team is a team of generalists.  We:

* Produce and manage the SourceForge.net developers services offering
(Mailman, CVS, SVN, etc.)
* Manage the SourceForge.net production environment (best practices,
code deployments for other teams, etc.)
* Provide technical skills within the company, such as DBA capabilities
* Are responsible for the availability of the site, end-user support
around developer services, and the scale-out of systems to support new
* Are the team responsible for the SourceForge.net site and developer
services datacenter migration, REF:

How does the Service Operations team operate?

* We are a close-knit team whose members work remotely; we make heavy
use of Jabber, Skype and email for communications; and we access systems
remotely via SSH
* Each member of the team is given responsibility over elements of
projects, and project management responsibilities
* Projects are initiated using a vision statement, and defined by the
project team executing the work
* Each member of the team receives training and opportunities to ensure
all of our core capabilities can be handled by each member of the team
* We have an on-call cycle where team members are on-call for two weeks
out of every eight-to-ten weeks (depending on team size)
* We generally work consistent hours

We want:

* Someone who has an interest in SourceForge.net already, and a desire
to serve the Open Source community
* Someone who has used SourceForge.net enough to have some ideas for
* Someone who hates downtime, end-user impact; and has the desire to
make services strong and steady
* Someone who can work aggressively on new projects and new
technologies, while remaining inside the best practices boundaries
defined by the team
* Someone who has seen enough bad deployments, bad code, and bad design
to be able to make decisions which will be right for the team

For the official job description, and to apply, please see:


The primary purpose of today's mail is to advise you of an upcoming
major upgrade to project web.  This upgrade includes more systems
capacity, scalable storage, and major version changes of every component
(folks who have been waiting for PHP5 support, please take notice).
This migration was recently announced at:

Pages have been posted with the change list:

* Project web:

* Project shell:

* Project DB:

We encourage all projects to review these materials.  Changes to your
project web apps will likely be necessary for them to work
post-migration, so we wanted to give you opportunity to prepare and ask

We are currently in the process of migrating over the projects in the
"bigprojects" pool, which generate heavy traffic to project web.  Once
these projects have been migrated, the general project population will
be migrated.  The exact date and time of the migration will be announced
to Site Status; please check this page regularly for updates.

If you have questions or concerns, we can be reached by Support Request
at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/alexandria/support/

You are also welcome to come meet with us on IRC on 2008-07-29
(regarding project web or other parts of our offering), per:

While this upgrade is a large change over the past project web platform,
we look at this more as an incremental change, and hope to continue to
improve the project web service offering on top of this strong new


We've made some big changes to the site status page to increase
awareness of what we're working on.  Some of us don't really like blogs,
and I'm not going to name names, but we do like the transparency that
regular online posting can bring.

The new Site Status page is located in a forum on the SourceForge.net
community site, at:

As we have in the past, we encourage all project teams to regularly
check in on this page for new updates.

We use the Site Status page to convey:
* Announcement of service outages in-progress
* Information about service problems which have been resolved
* Details of Operations activities
* Announcement of upcoming planned outages outages and upgrades

Examples of what you may have missed by not reading Site Status include:

Announcement of the upcoming Subversion read-only downtime for
datacenter migration
REF: http://sourceforge.net/community/forum/topic.php?id=2836&page

Announcement of three new download mirrors, including two in Australia
REF: http://sourceforge.net/community/forum/topic.php?id=2822&page

Deployment of new OSI-approved license options to the Software Map/Trove
REF: http://sourceforge.net/community/forum/topic.php?id=2798&page

... as well as details on unplanned outages, availability statistics,
and prep for upcoming events.


We hope that this has been a useful update from our team to your team.

If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please reach out to us
by submitting a Support Request (which you can flag as private if you
don't want other folks to see), at:

Thank you,

The SourceForge.net Service Operations team

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