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Re: [Xvoice-sphinx] [ddlinux] Perlbox Voice Application Framework

Hi.  I'd be interested in trying this out.

What software would I need exactly to get this working?  I have a Debian 3.0 system.


--- "Jessica P. Hekman" <http://www.arborius.net/~jphekman> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 29 Dec 2002 03:00:46 -0700
> From: Shane Mason <http://www.wru.umt.edu/~scmason>
> To: http://www.leb.net/~ddlinux
> Subject: [ddlinux] Perlbox Voice Application Framework
> Hi Everyone,
> My name is Shane Mason and I am the author of Perlbox Desktop. I have
> recently developed a new application framework to facilitate the rapid
> deployment of voice enabled applications for Unix type operating
> systems. I have created an example interface for this framework called
> "Perlbox Voice for Gnome", which is a command-response system much like
> the one in Perlbox Desktop. 
> This application has many features, the best of which is the ability to
> quickly generate and dynamically load new language models and for the
> sphinx2 listening agent and plug these into the Perlbox Voice command
> interpreter subsystem. Perlbox Voice Application Framework also utilizes
> the Festival speech synthesis system for vocal feedback to the user.
> This feature can be turned off, of course.
> Anyway, I have just one or two more bugs to work out and I am ready to
> release Perlbox Voice for Gnome as (hopefully) the first of many to
> utilize the Perlbox Voice Application Framework (in the near future I
> will plug the Perlbox Desktop into this new framework). 
> I was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to test this system
> before I unleash it on the public?  I would lie to get some informed
> feedback so that I can identify possible problem areas before the
> 'uninformed' try it out. I would greatly appreciate any help that you
> can give, and it will help the future of speech enabled applications on
> Linux/Unix if the public get applications that have been tested for
> robustness and usability on multiple configurations.
> If anyone is interested, email me at http://www.perlbox.org/~me and I will send you
> a link to the download.
> Thank You for your time and effort,
> Shane C. Mason  

Why do you want this page removed?