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sound quality improvement (was sox)

Have you looked into http://www.metadecks.org/software/sweep/ ?  I know nothing about it, but it
seems like it does a lot.  ecasound has some filters in it, too, but it seems like sox has more.

--- Matthew Lawson <http://www.1control.com/~matt> wrote:
> Just another semi-related thought.
> Has anyone played around with using sox to pre-process the audio data 
> before sending it to a voice recognizer?  It can do all sorts of fun 
> things like companding, frequency filter, volume modification, etc.  The 
> goal is to get the strongest voice signal separated from the background 
> noise, particularly when the mic is farther away and/or in a noisy 
> environment.
> Has anyone tried something like this?  And if so, have you found any 
> particular parameters that work well?
> - Matt

Why do you want this page removed?