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Re: [Xvoice-sphinx] Wiki help needed

Did you get a response to this?

I do have space on http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert , but I'm not sure I could set it up as Wiki
quickly.  (I only have PHPWiki, not moin-moin, and it is not even working at this point.)

--- Jessica Perry Hekman <http://www.arborius.net/~jphekman> wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have a favor to ask. I'm starting pre-vet classes in a few days (yes, 
> I'm considering leaving the technical world to become an animal 
> behaviorist!) and, while I do want to continue to provide support to 
> xvoice and my opinions to ossri, I don't have the time to spend on it that 
> I used to (and as you know, I hadn't been doing much during the last year 
> anyways).
> The last time I upgraded my OS, I upgraded my Wiki software. The ossri and 
> xvoice-sphinx wiki data that I maintained was no longer usable with the 
> new software (moin moin) version. There were upgrade scripts; I ran them, 
> and (appallingly) assumed that they worked without ever looking at the 
> results.
> Today I realized that the pages they produced were horribly garbled. I 
> would hate to lose the xvoice-sphinx data particularly (the ossri stuff, 
> I'm not so sure what was there). But I can't imagine finding the time to 
> hash this out. I do have the original data saved (I'm not quite THAT 
> stupid).
> So: anyone willing to take over wiki maintenance? Hosting? Both? I would 
> give you the old data, and you would worry about converting it and keeping 
> it available.
> The xvoice-sphinx data has a lot of stuff about installing and using 
> SphinxTrain, and the status of the xvoice-sphinx project, which I think 
> will be very useful to OSSRI and which I know has been used by people on 
> the Sphinx forums to help problem-solve.
> Let me know off-list if you're interested. Thanks so much.
> Jessica

Why do you want this page removed?