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Re: [Xvoice-sphinx] how to get started

--- Alvin Murphy <http://www.hawaii.rr.com/~amurphy> wrote:
> I am currently using xvoice under ViaVoice, but would like to join the
> sphinx movement; I am not clear how to start, can anyone help? I am
> running a Xandros linux system which is basically Debian. Is there a
> place to find rpms or similar? Or must I learn the "make, etc..." set of
> commands.?
> Sorry for dumb question; I found cmu sphinx3 and downloaded it;

We've only been using Sphinx II (Sphinx 2).  sphinx3 may not meet your needs.

As a Debian user (I am one also), Sphinx is a package which is included.  You should install that.
 But, you'll also need to download SphinxTrain (I don't think it's a Debian package). 
(Unfortunately, the SphinxTrain stuff is mostly on the Wiki which, as you read from Jessica, is
still down.)

> the 
> readme file seems to show a simple install. I'll try that route to 
> getting started, unless I get a message I am off on the wrong track. Thanks

Why do you want this page removed?