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Re: [Xvoice-sphinx] New to all this, want some info

You could look at


It may give you some (a lot?) of pointers.

--- "Jessica P. Hekman" <http://www.arborius.net/~jphekman> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Jaime Herazo B. wrote:
> > So, i'd like you to give me some pointers on the web to:
> > - General voice recognition theory
> > - A general idea of how sphynx does it
> > - Any particulars on building the models needed by it
> > - Anything else you think could be useful.
> I wish stuff like that existed! We have been getting by by reading the 
> sphinx documentation (hard to understand), guessing, and posting specific 
> questions to the Sphinx forum (not always answered). Of course, the few 
> experts that have been willing to answer questions have been invaluable.
> If you find any resources like the ones you mention, please let us know, 
> because they'd probably be useful for us, too. If you have specific 
> questions, I think it would be appropriate to ask them here; if we have 
> the same goals, I don't think the fact that the languages are different 
> would make a big difference in how much benefit we could get by helping 
> each other out.
> Sorry!
> Jessica

Why do you want this page removed?