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Re: publicizing xvoice-sphinx

--- "Jessica P. Hekman" <http://www.arborius.net/~jphekman> wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, robert b wrote:
> > I already got the approval!  I'll start setting it up and see if I can address your issues of
> > moving the mailing list, etc.
> Do definitely find out about storage allowances before doing too much work 
> -- if it can't handle us storing the models and LMs then we will have to 
> go elsewhere.

It says:

REMINDER: All project group directories (/home/groups/...) have a 100MB
soft quota.

Given that full.lm alone is 627 meg, this is clearly not enough.

> As for the list, it occurs to me that we can save all the addresses, 
> delete it from one project, and create it in the other project, so that 
> should be fine. But definitely find out about storage first!

Re: mailing list.  I think, unless there are archive limits, we can just point the URL at the
existing spot.

I copied the web page from XVoice to xvoice-sphinx.  If you are interested in keeping it and want
to modify it, you can ssh into sourceforge and go to /home/groups/x/xv/xvoice-sphinx and modify it
as needed; you may want to newgrp to xvoice-sphinx before hacking in there.

I'll try to find out if the Free Software Foundation's Savannah offers more disk space.

> And thanks!
> j

Why do you want this page removed?