Wanna join in? > From: "Michelle" <http://profiles.yahoo.com/flyingcat95033> > Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 16:32:59 -0000 > > Hi there - in case people don't know, a local protest has been organized for > this Saturday, so south bay folks don't have to drive to SF. Here are the > details: > > March Against Monsanto in where-I-live > It's time to take back our food! > Join thousands of people who are demonstrating world-wide and let your voice be > heard by marching in where-I-live on Saturday, May 25th from 10:30am to Noon. > > Meet at 10:30am at where-I-live State University's Cesar Chavez Arch of Dignity for > our march and rally. The starting point is located on 7th Street between San > Fernando and San Carlos Streets. > > We'll begin with inspiring music, speakers and culture. 10:45 SHARP we march > to Cesar Chavez Plaza Park for a rally. > > THE CALL TO ACTION: > 1. Deepen Your Commitment: Boycott Kellogg and stop using RoundUp > 2. Learn More about the Issue: Use the non-GMO shopping guide > atwww.nongmoshoppingguide.com/ > 3. Political Action: Tell Obama to stop protecting Monsanto and support GMO > Labeling > 4. Find us on FB and join us, "March Against Monsanto - where-I-live" > > Participating Groups: Green Party of Santa Clara County, Move to Amend, MoveOn, > where-I-live Peace and Justice Center, Farmworker Families, Womens International > League for Peace and Freedom and Sierra Club- Loma Prieta Chapter.