HOW TO POST AN OFFER OR A WANTED: Log into Click on "Post to this group" and use the message maker. Click on "Make the Post" and your message will be posted. If you are posting an OFFER and wish to include a photo there will be a new box open at the bottom of the message maker. Use the "Browse" button to choose the photo from your computer that you want to upload. (For your safety, you are asked to not include your telephone number, email address or home address.. Your email is protected, and only your username is displayed. This prevents phishing and your being targeted for spam. If you include your phone number or address, you do so at your own risk.) Click on "Make the post." HOW TO READ AND REPLY TO OFFER AND WANTED POSTS: Log into My Freecycle and click on "View the Posts." ADMINs are posted at the top of the message list. ADMINs include information of interest to the entire group. You can select to read OFFERs only, WANTEDs only, or all posts.. If you are interested in an item listed, click on the item link. A new page will open with a "Reply to this post" box. Type in your message. Remember to click on " Send Message." HOW TO LET PEOPLE KNOW YOUR ITEM HAS BEEN TAKEN, OR YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE ITEM YOU WANTED: Log into and click on the green My Posts tab." When the page opens, click on the button on the right site, "Manage." Click on "Mark as TAKEN and remove" or "Mark as RECEIVED and remove" to send a message to the group that you are no longer looking for the item. By clicking on either of these, your original message will "automatically" be removed. If you have posted an item by mistake, you can delete it using the same process. Click on either " Cancel and Remove." Please do not remove the post until the item has actually been picked up to avoid having to re-post. You can also log in and go to HOW TO ORGANIZE THE E-MAILS YOU'RE GETTING: Your group has a default setting for email delivery. When you join the group, your account will automatically be set for that preference. For example, if the group default is set to receive individual emails, you will begin receiving copies of every post made in your email. You can reset your personal email delivery preferences by signing in to and then click on "Change settings." There is an Email preference section with a dropdown box. In the drop down list, select your email delivery option. Then click on the green button, "Change email preference." Please note, if you choose to receive no emails, you will still receive ADMINs/special notices from the moderators. How TO REACH THE MODERATOR: If you have a question, problem or complaint, click on "Contact the ModTeam" at the top of the messages page. A message box will open. Type in your message and click on "Send messsage." HOW TO RECOVER PASSWORD OR USERNAME ON MY FREECYCLE Go to Go to the bottom box. Click on the link, "forgotten username form" link or "forgotten password form" link. Then just follow the prompts and instructions provided. You will receive an email with the information you need. Go to and click on the "Log In" link and type in the recovered information. HOW DO I JOIN OTHER FREECYCLE GROUPS Log into and click on the link, "My Groups" at the top right of the page. In the search box at the top of the list, type in the name of the group you want to join. Click on "Find Group." When you reach the search page results, click on the link to "Join the group." HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM YOUR GROUP Log into and click on the link, "My Groups" at the top right of the page. Under the group name, click on the green button, â??Change Settings.â?? Click on the green button, â??Leave this group.â?? You will then be ask a confirmation question; answer yes if you want to unsub. HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD, E-MAIL ADDRESS or DELETE YOUR My Freecycle ACCOUNT ENTIRELY: Log into and click on the green tab, "My Info." Click on the appropriate green button and make the changes to your password or email address. Remember to click on the prompt to save your changes. If you click on the "Delete my Account" button, you will no longer be a member of the My Freecycle site with any group. This action will completely remove you from our system. This is NOT the same as unsubscribing yourself from a group. You must LEAVE a group before you DELETE your account. If you do not leave first, you may continue to receive emails from the group. If you accidentally delete your account, but wish to still belong to a local group, you must sign up with a new account. "Copyright C 2003 The Freecycle Network ( All rights reserved. and the logo are registered trademarks of The Freecycle Network"