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Re: [SouthBayVeggies] CBS Channel report on Psycho Donuts

Nevertheless, still seems like a great domain name to register :-).

 > From: http://www.aol.com/~SaKishler
 > Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2013 11:05: -0400 (EDT)
 > It appears I caused at least a little bit of confusion, so allow me to set the record straight: there's no such site as ImaginaryVeganTerrorists.com. I was being completely sarcastic. My defense mechanism against people who accuse us as a group of being violent. 
 > So I'm sorry if I confused anybody else. There's certainly enough confusion already without me adding to it. :)
 > Have a good weekend! 
 > Sarah

Why do you want this page removed?