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 > From: Jonathan Payne <http://www.payne-family.org/~jonathan>
 > Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 08:29:14 +0100

I'll reply to this later.  (Naturally, I like the technical talk much
more. :-))

 > I am tickled that JOVE still compiles and runs on my Mac. But I don't ever use 
 > it. I have been using emacs since 1994 and I could never switch back. Do you 
 > seriously still use JOVE?

Absolutely.  I am using it right now to compose this email.

 > JOVE's time has past.
 > Even Emacs is a miserly (in 
 > terms of RAM) program compared to just about everything else nowadays,

Nevertheless, JOVE starts up instantly and, well, Emacs just doesn't.  (I
have many elisp scripts which suck up time.)

 > and I 
 > for one cannot live without code formatting and highlighting.

Yeah.  For coding, I always use Emacs.  But, even after trying various
extensions and features, I always come back to and stick to the core

 > JP

Why do you want this page removed?